Angel Rescue Corporation is based in Florida and participates in nation humanitarian aid within United States and territories of the United States. Programs, services, fundraisers established by Angel Rescue Corporation /ARC Marine are community based and supported by community citizens or businesses. 
Angel Rescue Corporation is not federally funded at this time. Local support within communities needing our services stays within these communities unless donor specififies supporting our national campaigns during fundraising for disasters.. 

Public Information

Angel Rescue Corporation state of Florida Department of Corporations in name search.  

Angel Rescue Corporation state of Florida Department of Agriculture in Charity Organizations Solicitations search.  

Federal Regulations 

Angel Rescue Corporation registered Internal Revenue Charity Organization name search

Angel Rescue Corporation has complied with new federal regulations registering B.O.I.

Donation Processing

Angel Rescue Corporation uses different donation processors to collect monetary donations through our website and or by payment links from our representatives on the phone or mobile. 

Angel Rescue Corporation makes documents available and provides updated information for your convenience as best as we can.