ARC Marine is the world's most trusted name in hands on training
Instructed by Professional USCG Licensed Captains and experienced water industry personnel. A.R.C. Members get 50% off and discounts on safety devices and other services.
A.R.C. Marine ensures safety at all times and the quality of programs we offer.
Lifetime Members get 50% Off ARC Marine Hands On Course
Pass our training program receive Certificate and you are ready for State Boaters Ed which will issue a State Certificate of completion.
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Riders must be at least 16 years old and minimum 16 to take training with parental consent. Rules must be followed and approved attire must be worn during training. You will be given instructions after signing up for training.
Members will need to request Discout code by email registered with ARC Marine.
Taking our courses are not a requirement by law but definitely gives you hands on experience in the operation and knowledge of the laws.
Life Vest Classification Guide:

This life vest provides the most buoyancy and floats the best. It is reversible, easy to put on and designed to turn most people who are unconscious in the water from the face-down position to an upright and slightly backward position. It is effective in all types of water, especially where rescue is delayed. It comes in 2 sizes: adults more than 90 pounds and kids less than 90 pounds.
Type I PFD - Off-Shore Life vest

This life vest is intended for calm, inland water or where a quick rescue is possible. Will turn some unconscious wearers to a face-up position in the water although the turning is not as definite as with a Type I PFD. This life vest comes in several comfortable sizes and styles.
Type II PFD - Near-Shore Buoyancy Vest

Good for conscious wearers in calm, inland water or where a quick rescue is possible. Type III foam life vest offers same minimum buoyancy as Type II PFD, comes in many colors and sizes, and is most comfortable for continuous wear.
Type III PFD - Flotation Aid

Intended for calm, inland water with heavy boat traffic wear rescue is always possible. Designed to be thrown to a conscious person in the water to be held by user until rescued. Type IV devices include buoyant cushions, ring buoys and horseshoe buoys. They are not designed to be worn.
Type IV PFD - Throwable Device

Provide the performance of a near-shore buoyancy vest or flotation aid (as marked on its label). After inflated they may or may not turn an unconscious wearer to a face-up position in the water. The belt-style inflatable life jacket must be worn in front
of the user so it can be inflated properly in front of them.
Special-Use Devices
Inflatable Life Jackets

These life jackets provide the performance of an off-shore life jacket, near-shore vest, or flotation aid (as marked on its label). Varieties include deck suits, work vests, sailboarding vests, sailing vests with a safety harness, and child-style that has two arm bands, chest panel and buckles in the back. The child-style mentioned is a special-use device because it must be worn with the buckle located on the back of the wearer. Some styles of this type of life jacket provide significant protection against cold water immersion and hypothermia.