STOP Violence Against Women & Children

Domestic Violence

ARC Project "Get Out Stay Out."



Domestic Violence Overview 

  • More than 100,000 calls in Florida are received by law enforcement regarding domestic situations, domestic violence is among the top of these calls. ARC has developed a program like no other 501c3 in the United States, so pay attention below to understand what we do and how we accomplish something no one else has. 

Why Victims Don't Leave


  • Fear after being threatened by their abuser that if they leave more harm will come. Confusion about love and what this is. Many victims may go to shelters then realize this is more of a negative experience because they are treated like prisoners and put under pressure causing the same mental distress as being at home. 

No Place to go

  • Victims stay in situations for many reasons but here we explain the true reason. Another is victims say they have no place to go or they would leave the abuser. ARC has the resolution to this problem as well. 

No money, or Support 

  • Victims are accustomed to their environment and feel they will loose everything and or because they may not work depend on the abusers income. Some victims want to work but the abuser may have told the victim they may not work or something will happen to them. ARC has the resolution for this. 


  • Victims become the shadow of themselves, withdrawing from friends, family and their own children as the abuse continues. 


Difference Between Domestic Disagreement and potential Life Threatening Situations 


  1. Heated Discussion with no physical contact aggression.
  2. Display of emotion and separation with no physical contact other than maybe calm embrace.


  1. Partner or spouse being jealous or having hard time calming down.
  2. Holding grudges, Controlling Personality, Fits of Anger or rage.
  3. Deep depression, mood changes and alcohol or drug use. 


  1. Jealousy 
  2. Control
  3. Financial
  4. Greed
  5. Alcohol & Drugs

Actions Taken by Law Enforcement 

  1. Separate and Arrest 
  2. Offering of Alternative Shelter

Adverse Effects

Phsyocological Damage

Criminal Record

Lost Time from job

Loss of job

Loss of respect from Children 

Loss of Children 

Loss of Home

Bodily Harm


ARC DV Program 

What we do

ARC networks with community on a daily bases bringing together volunteers to assist in our efforts. We have mobilized teams from across the state of Florida in which with meet together to strategize exit plans for those whom are at risk and ready to leave their abuser. ARC teams are available to law enforcement statewide in Florida. In cooperation with law enforcement and Florida courts, ARC can execute a relocation for those victims who are in need of restarting their lives. 

How is this done

Someone calls ARC or we are contacted by a local agency about the victim, we the speak to to the victim in a safe zone, this may be Police or Sherriffs department, a Court, a Shelter, or undisclosed safe location. Once we understand the situation we then contact law enforcement about the matter to coordinate time and date for a peaceful transition. 

Relocation Moment

ARC prefers to do our relocations at night for security purposes and traffic is lower. Our teams show up in a convoy to a location accompanied by law enforcement, usually with a moving truck or van and even an auto transport, 2 SUV's and a lead vehicle. With military precision we have the victim being evacuated from the area within minutes or up to 39 minutes max. 

Where do we take victims and keep them safe while rebuilding their life

Victims are taken to different locations depending on where their situation occurred. We take victims as far away from the abuser as possible but do not disclose victims location details accept to law enforcement agencies and or courts. We take victims 150, 250, 350 miles away from their abuser. Victims do not go to shelters but go to one of our network places, this may be across the state or offshore or islands. Our staff will be with victims at all times. 

Housing, Jobs, Transportation 

Time Limits

Time limits to complete our program are not relevant when dealing with case by case situations. We do not impose strict regulations on how long a victim is in our program simply because we don't treat our clients as the problem. Our compassion is true assistance and refusal to fail anyone in need. 

Get Out Stay Out

  1. Get help from ARC 
  2. We make arrangements 
  3. We get the housing
  4. We relocate clients 
  5. We assist getting jobs
  6. We assist in transportation 
  7. Complete our program 
  8. Stay out of abusers sight


Domestic Violence Mission 

Angel Rescue Corporation (ARC) mission is to promote effective, sustainable partnership solutions for the comprehensive training, support, and support of domestic survivors and their families in the United States and around the world.


ARC’s focus is on building in-country and local-level capacity through its United States partnerships. Established in 2021, the Angel Rescue Corporation was created as the humanitarian arm of the Angel Rescue Corporation, a pioneer in human safety.

Founded by Captain George B Clinton (Director of ARC Marine.), ARC is headquartered in Miami-Dade County and works to transform local community capacity by helping victim's of domestic violence and low-income families to connect to life-changing humanitarian resources that would otherwise be out of reach. ARC provides domestic violence prevention education and self-sustainable counseling solutions to communities in Florida and the United States and around the world.